Monday, January 12, 2009

Making "Sense" of Winter

Today we were all back together for the first time since before Christmas. It was great to have everyone back!

Miss K's Circle Time theme for this week is the five senses, and today she talked about using senses to appreciate winter. She explained what the five senses are, and then she and the kids worked together to write sentences like, "In winter, I can wear a soft hat" (to explore the sense of touch), "In winter, I can see snow," "In winter, I can taste hot chocolate," etc. It was a great activity that incorporated creative writing, reading, handwriting, new information, and applying that information to the world around us. As usual, nicely done, Miss K!

Not many pictures from today, but I do have downloads (I used primopdf to convert the files to .pdfs - it worked really well!). As I mentioned in a previous post, I recently created number cards for the red and blue number rods and small number cards for basic addition as set forth in Elizabeth Hainstock's book Teaching Montessori in the Home: The School Years. I printed out three sets of these cards, cut them, and laminated them. Miss D's son and my daughter had fun doing static addition.

Also, I put out a new snowman outline to pinpunch, although I had no takers today.

For PE, Misses D and C led the kids outside, where they dribbled soccer balls through cones and kicked them into nets, and they played with the parachute.

We closed with the "O" story and verse from My ABC Bible Verses: "Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good," Psalm 118:1.

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